With tougher regulations being implemented by MPI, it is becoming increasingly difficult to hold an accredited transitional facility license (ATF). Having to import more than 10 FCL’s per annum as a minimum requirement for MPI compliance means that small companies wanting to remain or become accredited will find it very difficult to do so. Cross Docking is a logistics process where products are taken from a supplier and then distributed by the carrier directly to the end user or retails outlets with minimal handling or storage time. Vault Group provide container MPI administration and devanning for clients looking for professional offsite unloading solutions in Auckland.
Allowing an expert managed warehousing company to take care of your cross-docking requirements will add value in the following places:
- Reduce your warehousing space and cost
- No administrative paperwork for compliance
- Competitive Cartage cost based on volumetric factors
- No more MPI site audits
- Spend less time on keeping records up to date for MPI and more time on growing your business.
- Lower overheads for unloads.
- Reduce delivery time between yourself and the customer
Vault Group partners with multiple MPI Approved Transitional Facilities across Auckland. Shipping containers can be sent to these facilities direct from Auckland port or Metroport for devanning.
Why should I use a cross docking service?
Typically cross docking is well suited for FAK and LCL shipments but it is now becoming increasingly hard to receive shipments. More importers are seeking offsite unloading facilities.
Save on warehouse space
Minimise both internal and external warehousing requirements by offsite devanning your containers. This will greatly lower your rental on a premises enabling that cost saving to be put elsewhere.
Volumetric cartage costs
Due to share volume we can get better rates on cartage of your goods both for container delivery and freight to the final destination.
Administration savings
Spend less time on trying to meet Ministry for primary industry ATF requirements. Using a Cross dock service means no more accredited persons required, no more signage and Audits onsite from MPI, no more paperwork.